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Ska bonanza

the Studio One "ska" years
Édition :
Année :
2 disques compacts : DDD
Contient :
Enna bella
River Jordan
Jeanie girl
Nimble foot ska
Bongo tango
Spread satin
Sugar bag
A de pon dem
Go Jimmy go
Beeston street riff
Lonely moments
Under the old oak tree
Streets of gold
Stop making love
Over the river
Don't want your loving
Wonder no more
My heaven
Always on sunday
Shining light
We'll meet
Stew peas and cornflakes
Heaven and earth
Turn me on
Sit down servant
Don Cosmic
Set back
Black sunday
Salt lane shuffle
When the well runs dry
Settle down
Sucu sucu
How many times
Man in the street
Old fowl ska
Simmer down
Push wood
Wheel and turn
Ocean 11
Du du wap
Arte bella
Answer me my darling