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Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé
bande originale du film de David Yates
Hooper, Nicholas (19..-.... ; compositeur) Compositeur
Crayford, Marcia Direction d'orchestre
London chamber orchestra Orchestre
Édition :
Année :
1 disque compact (63 min) : 12 cm
Contient :
In noctem
The story begins
Snape and the unbreakable vow
Wizard wheezes
Dumbledore's speech
Living death
Into the pensieve
The book
Ron's Victory
Harry and Hermione
School !
Malfoy's mission
The slug party
Into the rushes
Farewell Aragog
Dumbledore's foreboding
Of love and war
When Ginny kissed Harry
Slughorn's confession
Journey to the cave
The drink of despair
Inferi in the firestorm
The killing of Dumbledore
Dumbledore's farewell
The friends
The weasley stomp